Welcome to Creative Calendars - offering you the biggest selection of Advertising Calendars in the U.K.

The Best 2026 Promotional Calendars to market your Company!

As advertised on

Promotional business calendars represent one of the most cost-effective ways of keeping YOUR company details in front of YOUR customers for a whole year! Statistics show that well over 90% of decision makers with your calendar in their office will instantly recall your name. However, advertising calendars come with a warning - Start to distribute them, and you will not be able to stop! Your customers will demand their own calendar every year!

The vast majority of our customers who first ordered from us when we commenced supplying calendars in 1980 are still with us! In part, this is no doubt due to the old commercial adage of 'Quality - Service - Price'! Creative Calendars are totally independent suppliers, and we are able to offer you the biggest selection of promotional calendars in Britain! Links to our major collections are below.

With a minimum quantity of just 25 calendars, plus invoicing after delivery, we really can promote your business!

We genuinely want your business, and look forward to hearing from you.

Email: advertisingcalendars@gmail.com

Our Promotional Calendar Ranges for 2026

Emerald Promotional Calendar Collection 2020

Emerald Collection

New Collection!

Diamond Business Calendar Collection 2020

Diamond Collection

Premium Range!

Shipping Calendars - Bespoke Calendars - Charity Calendars - Diaries

Promotional Shipping Calendars

Shipping Calendars

An essential working tool for any business.

Your Own Bespoke Calendar

Bespoke Calendars

Use your own pictures! Minimum quantity 50.

Charity Calendars to help promote your Charity

Charity Calendars

Your Charity + our help = Maximum fundraising!

There's also a lot more on offer!

Creative Calendars also offer an extensive range of Shipping Calendars - an essential working tool to all involved in freight distribution and delivery.

Bespoke Calendars offer you the opportunity to use your own pictures!. A minimum quantity of just 50 now makes this option available to all companies - big and small

If you are a Charity, we will always offer full support to produce your own Charity Calendars. With our facilities for producing both low or high volume requirements, we really can swell your coffers!

Our Diary collection offers a fantastic assortment of both pocket and desk options. All are superbly and attractively bound, using a wide variety of covering materials. Many can have both cover and text custom made to reflect your exact business needs.